Cuisinons vrai
With Sitram
“Cuisinons vrai!” (Cook authentic!) is the rallying cry for the gourmet Sitram community, a joyful expression that perfectly sums up the ambition of our brand: to create easy-to-use cookware that lets everyone cook in their own way, at their own pace, and with the utmost pleasure.
"cook authentic?"
It's simple: Cooking authentic is first and foremost cooking. In other words, choosing raw products and ingredients and magically transforming them into delicious and enjoyable moments with those we love. Our lines of cookware (frying pans, steamers, saute pans, Dutch ovens, pressure cookers, etc.) help you discover the world of gourmet cooking. Cooking with fresh produce is good for both your health and your budget, and above all lets you experience the unique pleasure of setting a dish on the table that you made yourself, one that puts a smile on the faces of your guests.

How do I
"cook authentic?"
At Sitram, we believe cooking can be a source of
joy and gratification – without complications and stress.
Everyone can cook a delicious meal with fresh and seasonal ingredients.
All you need are the right products and cookware,
some tips from the community, and a little practice!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a total beginner, just trying out some simple recipes, a culinary artist, or an experienced chef. To cook authentic, all you have to do is follow a few basic suggestions.
Choose seasonal produce and vegetables
If it's in season, it's probably fresher, cheaper, and
available locally: everything we like! Consider the origins of fresh produce,
whether you find it in outdoor markets
or the aisles of your favorite store.
Seasonal produce is not only better for the environment,
but it also lets you concoct dishes to go with each of the four seasons! Mushrooms and squash
in the fall, hearty dishes and stews in the winter, grilled meats
and ratatouille in the summer, and vitamin-packed
meals in the spring…Need some inspiration? Feel free to explore our recipes,
which are sorted by season for your convenience.

Enjoy yourself while cooking
Whether you’re making pasta, stir-fry vegetables, or quail with mushrooms and grapes, the most important thing is to offer yourself and others a moment of pleasure.
If you don’t have a lot of time for cooking, take a look at our quick & easy recipes. You'll be surprised what you can do in 30 minutes!
If you’re just getting started with cooking, don’t worry about your level. Everything can be learned! All you need is a little practice! We put together a selection of delicious and easy recipes to help you get started.
Meanwhile, our chef’s recipes are perfect for seasoned cooks in search of a culinary challenge…
Choose the right Sitram cookware
The right cookware makes all the difference in the kitchen. It not only makes the cooking experience more enjoyable, but also enables you to feel proud of the results. And if you love what you cook, then your guests will too! The grip and handles should allow for precise and fluid movements that increase your pleasure while cooking.
Yves Camdeborde, one of the brand's ambassadors, explains very well the special bond he has with his kitchen equipment; he speaks of an affinity, almost an emotional relationship that he shares with his cast iron Dutch oven (for example).
We wanted to use this site to provide you with all the information you need to choose the right cookware to enjoy yourself in the kitchen before, during, and after the meal. Feel free to explore our Materials Guide, Coating Guide, or the many pages offering tips and assistance.
Everyone is unique. We all have our own habits, preferences, and favorite recipes. The important thing is that you be yourself in the kitchen!